Signs You Need Emergency Dental Care
Dental problems can arise at any time. Sometimes you might get involved in an accident that affects your teeth. In such a case, you might experience excruciating pain and be at risk of developing other complications. Apart from a dental accident, you might have an infection on your teeth that increases the risk of further complications.
Therefore, if you have a dental problem that causes pain and risk of further complications, you can contact emergency dentistry near you. At the dental clinic or emergency room, you will receive treatments that reduce pain and reduce your risk of complications.
Broken or Knocked-Out Tooth
Impact during an accident can break or knock out your tooth. In such a scenario, you might experience excruciating pain, bleed and risk losing your tooth. Therefore, you need to respond fast to save your tooth and prevent the risk of infections.
You can begin by contacting your emergency dentist and schedule an appointment for urgent care. If your tooth is fallen out, collect and clean it. When cleaning the tooth, avoid touching the root nerves to prevent further damage. You can then proceed to store the tooth in milk or saliva. Alternatively, try placing the tooth in its socket.
For high chances of saving the tooth, get to the dental clinic in an hour.
Swelling and Toothache
Do you have persistent toothache and swelling? You might have a gum or root canal infection. Sometimes a swollen jaw might be a sign of oral cancer. Therefore, you should consider immediate response for diagnosis and treatment.
Toothache might affect your sleep and your daily activities. For pain relief and reduction of the risk of complications, you can contact your emergency dentist in Kennewick. To reduce swelling, you can apply a cold compress on the cheek over the affected area. However, avoid taking pain-relieving medications without consulting your dentist.
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